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#科学网| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


已有 33869 次阅读 2015-6-4 08:46 |个人分类:结构优化|系统分类:科研笔记


1) 结构弛豫时,不同的ISMEAR设置对晶格常数和总能的影响

2) 对于不同ISMEAR值,在比较大体系下快速检验SIGMA取值适当与否的途径



for very accurate DOS and total energy calculations ISMEAR=-5 always should be used. if the electronic structure changes from metallic to insulating upon substitution of certain atoms, please do the following 1) -- for the GEOMERTY relaxations of the METALLIC system, use the Methfessel-Paxton method (ISMEAR =1 or 2) -- (for the insulating phase, ISMEAR=-5 can be used for the geometry optimisation)

【两者能量比较,能得出真实能差吗?】2) if the structures are fully relaxed, do one final (electronic scf) step with ISMEAR=-5 for the metallic phase as well, without any further change in the geometry. 3) the DOS should be obtained with Bloechl's method for both systems

引子:面心立方结构XH3优化过程,不同优化次数下,焓值迥异,能级占据诡异的解决方案  由ISMEAR = 1改为ISMEAR = -5【或许X的POTCAR根本就没有选好】

       ISMEAR = -5 保险起见设置成-5,如设置成1或0,有可能级占据数出错,从而多次优化后能量仍然相差很大。


OUTCAR_800-02:                  Total CPU time used (sec):     1385.830OUTCAR_800-03:                  Total CPU time used (sec):     1759.621

774.22    100.48    -34.66049192   OUTCAR_800-01774.27    100.47    -34.66053244   OUTCAR_800-04800.07    100.47    -35.64301370   OUTCAR_800-03800.35    100.62    -37.01398180   OUTCAR_800-02


XH3                       1.00000000000000        4.6366048767523642   -0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000     0.0000000000000000    4.6366048767523642   -0.0000000000000000     0.0000000000000000   -0.0000000000000000    4.6366048767523642   H    X

  12     4Direct  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.0000000000000000 -0.0000000000000000 -0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000 -0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000 -0.0000000000000000


OUTCAR_800-01:                  Total CPU time used (sec):     1401.258OUTCAR_800-02:                  Total CPU time used (sec):      340.458OUTCAR_800-03:                  Total CPU time used (sec):      339.044OUTCAR_800-04:                  Total CPU time used (sec):      339.415

799.92    100.45    -35.63488710   OUTCAR_800-01800.08    100.45    -35.63699566   OUTCAR_800-02800.08    100.45    -35.63699566   OUTCAR_800-03800.08    100.45    -35.63699566   OUTCAR_800-04


XH3                     1.00000000000000         5.1862242792515811   0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000     0.0000000000000000    5.1862242792515802    0.0000000000000000     0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000    5.1862242792515838   H    X

  12     4Direct  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.0000000000000000


XH3                 1.00000000000000         4.6485804347186610   0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000     0.0000000000000000    4.6485804347186610    0.0000000000000000     0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000    4.6485804347186610   H    X    12     4Direct  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.7500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.0000000000000000

ISMEAR1-pot-s时能级占据情形   E-fermi :   7.9821

费米能级以上可以有态密度(DOS),但费米能级以上的能级( band energies  )无电子占据(occupation=0;  band)

k-point   5 :       0.1667    0.1667    0.0000  band No.  band energies     occupation      1     -37.8249      1.00000      2     -37.7737      1.00000      3     -37.7737      1.00000      4     -37.7700      1.00000      5     -11.4911      1.00000    .....     16     -10.5205      1.00000     17       0.1417      1.00000     18       3.3491      1.00000  ......     48       7.7715      1.02978     E-fermi :   7.9821     49       8.3008     -0.02337     50       8.3896     -0.00706     51       8.3896     -0.00706     52       9.6448     -0.00000     53      10.0274     -0.00000     54      10.1542     -0.00000     55      10.4690     -0.00000     56      10.6724     -0.00000

ismear=-5,potE-fermi :   7.8983

k-point   5 :       0.1667    0.1667    0.0000  band No.  band energies     occupation      1     -37.9092      1.00000      2     -37.8575      1.00000      3     -37.8575      1.00000      4     -37.8537      1.00000   ...     16     -10.5788      1.00000     17       0.0677      1.00000     18       3.2780      1.00000   .......     48       7.6905      1.02884    E-fermi :   7.8983     49       8.2238     -0.02188     50       8.3126     -0.00633     51       8.3126     -0.00633     52       9.5853     -0.00000     53       9.9800     -0.00000     54      10.0872     -0.00000     55      10.4160     -0.00000     56      10.5923     -0.00000


ISMEAR=-5, pot,80GPa    【考虑到费米能级后,能级占据并未出现异常】 E-fermi :  14.1773  k-point   5 :       0.1667    0.1667    0.0000  band No.  band energies     occupation      1     -32.5027      1.00000      2     -32.1734      1.00000    ....     16      -4.3574      1.00000     17       4.1130      1.00000     18       6.3884      1.00000     19       6.6324      1.00000    ......     28      11.7277      1.00000     ......     45      13.8867      1.03395     46      14.0076      0.96899     47      14.0076      0.96899     48      14.0091      0.96645     49      14.0091      0.96645     50      14.0750      0.80364     51      14.1123      0.66827      E-fermi :  14.1773     52      14.5266     -0.01195     53      15.2285     -0.00000     54      15.2573     -0.00000     55      15.5089     -0.00000     56      15.5823     -0.00000





Default  ISMEAR=1SIGMA=0.2


1..$ N$method of  Methfessel-Paxton order $ N$. Mind: For the Methfessel-Paxton scheme the partial occupancies  can be negative

$ -5$tetrahedron method with Blöchl corrections (use a $ .Gamma $-centered k-mesh, see sec.5.5 )

For the calculation of the total energy in bulk materials we recommend the   tetrahedron method with Blöchl corrections (ISMEAR=-5). 

This method also gives a good account for the  electronic density of states (DOS).

The only drawback is that the methods is not variational with respect to the partial occupancies.  Therefore the calculated forces and the stress tensor  can be wrong by up to 5 to 10 % for metals.  For the calculation of phonon frequencies based on forces we recommend the method of  Methfessel-Paxton (ISMEAR$ $0). For semiconductors and insulators the forces are correct, because partial occupancies do not vary and are zero or one.

The method of   Methfessel-Paxton (MP) also results in a very accurate  description of the total energy, nevertheless the width of the smearing (SIGMA) must be chosen carefully (see also 7.4). 

Too large smearing-parameters might result in a wrong total energy, small smearing parameters require a large k-point mesh. SIGMA should be as large as possible keeping the difference between the free energy and the total energy  (i.e. the term 'entropy T*S') in the OUTCAR file negligible (1 meV/atom). In most cases  $ N=1$ and $ N=2$ leads to very similar results. The method of MP is also the method of choice for large supercells, since the  tetrahedron method is not applicable, if less than three k-points are used.  

Mind: Avoid using ISMEAR$ $0 for semiconductors and insulators, since this often leads to incorrect results (The occupancies of some states might be larger or smaller than 1).  For insulators use ISMEAR=0 or ISMEAR=-5.

For further considerations on the choice for the smearing method see sections  7.4,8.6. To summarize,  use the following guidelines:

For semiconductors or insulators use the tetrahedron  method (ISMEAR=-5), if the cell is too large (or if you use only a single or two k-points) use ISMEAR=0 in combination with a small SIGMA=0.05.

For relaxations in metals  always use ISMEAR=1 or  ISMEAR=2 and an appropriate SIGMA value (the entropy term should be less than 1 meV per atom). Mind: Avoid to use ISMEAR$ $0 for semiconductors and insulators, since it might cause problems.  

For metals a sensible value  is usually SIGMA= 0.2 (which is the default).

For the calculations of the DOS and very accurate  total energy calculations (no relaxation in metals) use the tetrahedron method (ISMEAR=-5).

【对金属体系的弛豫不能用ISMEAR=-5,绝缘体结构的弛豫能用ISMEAR$ $0 吗?】


Role of ISMEAR in insulator-conductor transition




I am working now with a transition metal oxides. When I change some oxygens and put nitrogen in its place, the electronic structure change from insulator to conductor.

    For total energy insulator's bulk calculations I have used ISMEAR=-5 (tetrahedron method with Blöchl corrections), but when the solid become conductor I must use ISMEAR=1 or 2. My question is: Do I must compare the energies got with diferent ISMEAR keeping the same all others parameters? Other question related: Do I must get the DOS and total energy for a optimized conductor structure whih ISMEAR=-5 or with ISMEAR=1 or 2? Other question related: I get occupancies of some states larger than 2 with ISMEAR>0 for conductors too. Then, What are exactly the problems derivated from to use ISMEAR > or = 0 for insulators and semiconductors? Thak you so much


for very accurate DOS and total energy calculations ISMEAR=-5 always should be used. if the electronic structure changes from metallic to insulating upon substitution of certain atoms, please do the following 1) -- for the GEOMERTY relaxations of the METALLIC system, use the Methfessel-Paxton method (ISMEAR =1 or 2) -- (for the insulating phase, ISMEAR=-5 can be used for the geometry optimisation) 2) if the structures are fully relaxed, do one final (electronic scf) step with ISMEAR=-5 for the metallic phase as well, without any further change in the geometry. 3) the DOS should be obtained with Bloechl's method for both systems





ISMEAR决定了如何确定每个波函数的占有数 ,驰豫计算时一般不需要这个参数。 进行任何的静态计算或态密度计算,且K点数目(从IBZKPT文件中读取)大于4时,取ISMEAR=-5;当由于原胞较大而K点数目较少(小于4个)时,取ISMEAR=0,并设置一个合适的SIGMA值。另外对半导体或绝缘体的计算(不论是静态还是结构优化),取ISMEAR=-5;当体系呈现金属性时,取ISMEAR=1和2,以及设置一个合适的SIGMA值。在进行能带结构计算时,ISMEAR 和SIGMA用默认值就好。一般说来,无论是对何种体系,进行何种性质的计算,采用ISMEAR=0 ,并选择一个合适的SIGMA值都能得到合理的结果。






valenhou001(站内联系TA)你计算的体系,晶格常数有三个变量(a,b,c,即它们是不等的),另外还有原子的位置需要优化。因此为了得到状态曲线,需采用ISIF=4对一系列体积点进行固定体积的变原胞形状以及原子位置的优化。因此做run_cell脚本里面做relaxation时的输入文件可设置为: System = CaFe2As2 afm1-opt PREC = Accurate ISPIN = 2 MAGMOM = 4*0 3 3 -3 -3 3 -3 -3 3 8*0 ISMEAR = 1 SIGMA = 0.20 ISTART = 0 EDIFF = 1E-5 EDIFFG = -1E-3 ICHARG = 2 ENCUT = 300 NSW = 60 IBRION = 2 ISIF = 4 POTIM = 0.2 #LORBIT = 11 LREAL = Auto #LPLANE = .TRUE. #LSCALU = .FALSE. #PAR = 4 #SIM = 4 在特到了一些体积点对应的总能,及 V----E的数据点,采用状态方程拟合后,得到平衡体积,再采用run_cell里面的初始b和c(这里假定run_cell里面的循环变量是对晶格常数a的)由V_0 =  a*b*c得到这个平衡体积下 a, ,然后再做一次ISIF=4固定体积,变原胞和优化原子位置的结构优化。 原来的例子中是对六角晶体的Mg进行计算,该体系只需要优化晶格形状就可以了,不需要优化原子位置,因此可以采用ISIF=5。 你贴出来的结果显示,平衡体积还在303.1000的值以下,还得做一些体积值比303.1000小的体积的计算。





2.假设对于绝缘体,取ISMEAR=1,与ISMEAR=-5有多大区别?手册上写的是:For relaxations in metals always use ISMEAR=1 or 2, and a appropriated SIGMA value.

Mind: Avoid to use ISMEAR>0 for semiconductors and insulators, since it might cuase problem.



就像手册上写的那样,ISMEAR=1或2时,是针对于金属而言的,对于绝缘体或半导体来说一般选取的是0或-5,而取-5时候,主要是能量值得差异,其TOTEN 和energy without entropy的值是一样的~【不一样哈? --Ye】





vasp 输入文件中的ISMEAR参数指的是波函数占据数目,但是这个到底是什么意思?可以浅显一点讲吗?



提示:在计算能带结构时,采用ISMEAR = 0或1对结果的影响非常小,可以认为是一样的。但是不能采用ISMEAR = -5 或-4。

https://wap.sciencenet.cn/blog-567091-895413.html 上一篇:vdW、ZPE、SOC vs. Quantum effects下一篇:结构优化再谈-vasp计算的过程遇到的问题 收藏 IP: 61.157.130.*| 热度|




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